Change your smile, change your life Studies show that a white smile can improve confidence and mental health as well as boost career and relationship success. Here’s a look at 5 psychological benefits of a dazzling smile and why you should consider teeth whitening for the New Year.
Improve your mood – smiling activates neural messaging that relieves stress and improves happiness. Every time you smile your body releases endorphins and serotonin that automatically lift your mood, even if you’re faking a smile.
Make a good first impression – smiling makes you appear more confident, attractive and sincere. When you smile at someone, the part of their brain that processes sensory rewards is activated, so they feel rewarded by your smile and have a favorable first impression of you.
Be contagious – studies show that when you smile at someone, their brain is hard-wired to return the smile, so you both get a shot of feel-good endorphins.
Enhance attractiveness – a white smile shows that you’re healthy and take good care of yourself. In fact, 96 percent of people surveyed by the AACD thought that a white smile made people more attractive.
Career success – a bright smile can make you more successful at work. In the AACD survey, 74 percent of respondents believed that an unattractive smile can harm a person’s chance of career success.
Smile with confidence!